Atascosa County Courthouse

The present Atascosa County Courthouse, constructed in 1912–13, was designed by San Antonio architect Henry T. Phelps. It is the only existing Mission Revival style courthouse in Texas. Characteristics of this style include shaped parapets, pyramidal tile roofs with broad overhangs, balconies with decorative iron railings, arched openings, and wooden windows with divided lights.

Exterior restoration work included replacement of tinted fixed glass metal windows and aluminum storefront doors with windows and doors the original style. Interior work involved removing all dropped ceilings, stripping and refinishing the woodwork, installing new mechanical and electrical systems, restrooms, a fire alarm and sprinkler system, and adding alternate exits.

On Flag Day, June 14, 2003, the Atascosa County Courthouse was rededicated.

Courthouse CTA
Mason County Courthouse under construction

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