Leon County Courthouse

This unusual 1886 courthouse, designed by architect William Johnson, was built on the footprint of the previous 1856 courthouse, encasing two surviving safes and reusing much of the 1856 exterior brick.

The full restoration to a 1909 date included adding restrooms (there were none), an elevator, electrical and mechanical systems, a new slate roof, and a complete restoration of the original finishes. Additionally, new steel trusses and columns were added at minimal intrusion into the historic spaces in order to stabilize the building.

Each room is equipped with decoratively striped wainscoting and a non-working fireplace. The district courtroom again shines with ceiling fans, bare bulb fixtures, original benches, and black walnut trim.

The courthouse was rededicated on July 1, 2007.

Courthouse CTA
Mason County Courthouse under construction

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